Latest Project
Placing a learning disabled child in residential care: parents’ decision making processes: a grounded theory exploration
I am not currently conducting any research projects.
I would like to thank everyone for their participation in my previous research project regarding parenting children with learning disabilities. I am in the process of adapting this research, which formed my thesis, into a journal article for publication in the Journal of Learning Disabilities. A link will be added in due course.
You can visit my new website
Dr Rebecca Andrews (Counselling Psychologist and consultant)
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Visit my new website
I now have a private practice within the Forest of Dean and offer services within Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Bristol and Monmouthshire. more >>
Recruitment is now closed
Thank you to everyone for your help and support with this project and an especially big thank you to those who took part in the interviews and surveys. more >>
Thank you!
I`m currently compiling all of your data, many thanks to all that have taken part in this research project!. more >>
Fill in our survey!
You can now download our electronic survey!
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Thank You!
Recruitment drive in full throttle! more >>
New features coming soon!
Online Qualitative Survey more >>
Recruitment going well!
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Recruitment continues!
The project is gathering pace! more >>
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Thats right, we`re now on Twitter and Blogger! more >>
New Website Goes Live!
The new Learning Disability Research website goes live, if you think you can help the please get in touch.